Tinnitus / dizziness
Osteopathy can reveal connections and achieve very good treatment results.
Ear noises such as whistling, ringing, hissing or buzzing can occur suddenly and have many different causes. In about 70% of those affected, the noise disappears by itself within a few weeks. If it persists, it is called tinnitus. However, this is not a disease, but a symptom. A thorough assessment by a specialist is advisable beforehand.
According to current studies, clinical examinations and treatments should focus primarily on the region of the head, neck, jaw and shoulder girdle as well as the adjacent muscles, structures and fascia, with special attention to the cervicocranial junction, the masticatory muscles and the sphenomandibular ligament (SML). Myofascial techniques, mobilisations and thrusts (mobilisation with impulse) are used to restore the physiological functioning of the affected structures.