Emergency appointment

A silly movement, a painful neck or a tension that suddenly hurts more? We offer you an appointment within 48 hours.


You can reach us from Monday to Friday from 08.00 – 12.00 and 13.00 – 17.00.


Contact us at:
041 611 09 11


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Manual Therapy

Mobilization of blockages

Manual medicine or manual therapy deals with treatment and prevention of reversible function disorders associated with posture and movement (locomotor) systems. Diagnostic  and therapeutic techniques are used on the spine and extremity joints to locate and remedy these disorders.

Lymph Drainage

Decongestion and activation of the lymphatic system

Alongside the circulatory system, the lymphatic system is the most important transport system in the body. Manual lymph drainage is a massage technique that eliminates lymph blockages in tissue. The treatment serves as a decongestion therapy and supports flow to and from cells, promotes healing of wounds and improves regeneration e.g. after injuries.

Neurological Therapy

Rehabilitation of the nerve tracts

If disorders of the  central or peripheral nervous system, sickness or accident, limit mobility we are able to offer special physiotherapy methods (e.g. the Bobath Concept) allowing  more independence in your daily routine.


Special training in walking (gait training) as well as therapeutic methods in connection with electric stimulation therapy are part of the supporting methods.


Often with autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis it is not the control center that is affected but the connections. Through regular repetition the brain builds new nerve connections with which motion sequences can be practiced again. This mechanism functions not only with MS and strokes but also with neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s disease.

Shock Wave Therapy

Deep mobilization of tissue

In modern pain therapy, the energy of shock waves is transmitted to the treatment area in the human body. The healing process in the body is then accelerated, the metabolism is stimulated, circulation is increased and consequently the damaged tissue regenerates better. By using shock wave therapy, unhealthy changes to tendons, ligaments, internal capsule muscles (capsula interna) and bones are targeted in therapy.

Trigger Point Therapy

Relief of tension

Muscle hardenings are pressure-sensitive and frequently cause radiating pain. By using trigger point therapy, these muscle hardenings in the skeletal muscles can be targeted in treatment. Here, we speak about so-called myofascial trigger points.

Dry Needling

Relief of tension

Dry Needling is the treatment of myofascial trigger points with acupuncture needles. It is an effective supplement to manual therapy. Cramps are released, local blood circulation is improved and the punctual inflammatory reaction is reduced.

Craniosacral Therapie

Holistic physical therapy

Craniosacral therapy (cranium-sacrum therapy) is a holistic physical therapy which uses rhythmic pulsations to set the brain and cerebrospinal fluid in motion. This rhythm transmits through the whole body and influences the development and functionality of the entire human being. This treatment can, amongst others, be used for traumas, disorders of the vegetative and central nervous systems, pain conditions and stress-related symptoms.

Tinnitus / dizziness

Osteopathy can reveal connections and achieve very good treatment results.

Ear noises such as whistling, ringing, hissing or buzzing can occur suddenly and have many different causes. In about 70% of those affected, the noise disappears by itself within a few weeks. If it persists, it is called tinnitus. However, this is not a disease, but a symptom. A thorough assessment by a specialist is advisable beforehand.

According to current studies, clinical examinations and treatments should focus primarily on the region of the head, neck, jaw and shoulder girdle as well as the adjacent muscles, structures and fascia, with special attention to the cervicocranial junction, the masticatory muscles and the sphenomandibular ligament (SML). Myofascial techniques, mobilisations and thrusts (mobilisation with impulse) are used to restore the physiological functioning of the affected structures.

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